Coaches and Parents: Changing the Culture of Concussion Starts With You!

It is a CA State law that at least 2 coaches per team are certified in concussion training. HEADS UP to Youth Sports: Online Training | HEADS UP | CDC Injury Center

By taking this free, online course and using what you learn, you will be well positioned to improve the culture of concussion. Your actions can help create a safe environment for young athletes so that they can stay healthy, active, and thrive – both on and off the playing field.

Once you complete the training and quiz, you can print out a certificate, making it easy to show your league or school you are ready for the season.

What Will I Learn in This Training?

This course will help you:

  • Understand a concussion and the potential consequences of this injury,
  • Recognize concussion signs and symptoms and how to respond,
  • Learn about steps for returning to activity (play and school) after a concussion, and
  • Focus on prevention and preparedness to help keep athletes safe season-to-season.

We can help athletes stay active and healthy by knowing the facts about concussion and when it is safe for athletes to return to play.

Additional Resource through USA Softball: US Center for SafeSport