NPGS Select Program

What is “Select”?

“Select” is a program developed by USA Softball for girls seeking a higher level of competitive softball in addition to their recreational softball season. The players will practice and/or play games together, once a week, during the recreational season. Select teams will play friendly, interleague games against other local Select teams and play in up to 1 to 3 tournaments. Select teams are additional teams within the league; these players will be on both a recreational team and the Select team at the same time.

Select teams are for 8U – 14U division players only. The Select Program runs from January 1st through March 31st. Given that the Select Program is geared towards more competitive play, players in the Select Program must have at least one season of recreational play experience to be considered and attend the Select player evaluation workout.


NPGS Select Commitments:

To be considered for Select team participation, players and parents must commit to the following:

  1. Players must be registered for the NPGS Spring Season.
  2. Players must submit the Select Interest form.
  3. Players must attend a mandatory player evaluation workout in order to be considered for a Select team.
  4. The Select team requires ONE additional day ONLY of practice or game(s) per week from January through the end of March. Players must be registered for the NPGS Spring Season.
  5. The player must be able participate in at least 75% of her recreational team’s games to be eligible to compete on the Select team, and must be able to make 75% of the Select team’s Sunday practices and games.
  6. Select teams will be self-funded. Expect to spend approximately $100 - $150 per player to cover practice field permits, uniforms, tournament entry fees and umpire fees.

NPGS Select Guidelines:

To provide a more competitive experience and team within each division, it is important for players and parents to understand the following:

  1. Completion of the Select Interest form and participation in the evaluation does not guarantee your player will be chosen for the Select team.
  2. Participation on the Select team DOES NOT GUARANTEE your player will ultimately be chosen for and/or play on the Gold All-Star team or any All-Star team. The All-Star manager and team selection process is not tied in any way to the Select program.
  3. Unlike playing on a NPGS Recreational team, there are no minimum play requirements for Select players and player positions are at the sole discretion of the Select Team Manager. There may be some Select tournament games that only allow 9 girls to bat and a player may not play in all games.
  4. The Select Team Manager or the NPGS Board, at their discretion, may elect to not field a team in a division for the Select season.

Registration Deadline

The Player must be registered for the NPGS Recreational Season and the Select Interest form must be submitted through the NPGS website in order for the Player to be eligible for consideration to play in the NPGS Select program.

Player Evaluation Workout

The Player must attend the player evaluation workout to be considered for the Select team. Date forthcoming.

Interested in Managing?

Select Team Managers will be chosen by vote of the NPGS Select Team Committee. If chosen as a Select Team Manager, the Manager will participate in the player evaluation workout, work with Committee to rank/vote on the top 8 players in the division, choose their coaching staff, and have the discretion to choose up to 4 additional players from the list of qualified players.

Any coach wishing to manage a Select team must submit an email to the NPGS Select Program Coordinator (, with a copy to the NPGS Director of Coaches ( stating their interest for consideration and must do so no later than December 15. All Select team managers must be a USA Softball certified coach, must coach or manage an NPGS recreational team in the same age division for the Spring season and must be confirmed by the NPGS Board.